Brand Verification is a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION that helps consumers and company owners to identify FAKE and FRAUD products in the market. We make sure that we use serial number that CANNOT be repeated since it’s a specialized generated codes.

Brand Verification is a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION committed to safeguarding the marketplace from counterfeit products. By verifying the authenticity of products through a proprietary sticker and serial number system, Brand Verification ensures consumer protection and maintains brand integrity. The organization fulfills three core functions in its mission to eliminate counterfeit goods:

  1. Strategic Collaboration with Authorities: Brand Verification works closely with law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and intellectual property rights holders to share intelligence and coordinate actions. Through these collaborations, the organization helps detect and dismantle counterfeit supply chains, reinforcing intellectual property laws and promoting fair market practices.
  2. Legal Advocacy and Support: To strengthen the fight against counterfeiting, Brand Verification provides critical support in legal proceedings. This includes offering expert analysis, presenting detailed evidence, and coordinating witnesses for cases against counterfeit manufacturers and distributors. By equipping authorities with reliable data and testimony, Brand Verification enhances the legal process to ensure accountability.
  3. Consumer Education and Public Awareness: A key component of Brand Verification’s mission is to inform the public, businesses, and influencers about the dangers of counterfeit products. Through awareness campaigns, the organization educates consumers on how to identify authentic products and underscores the risks—financial, safety-related, and legal—posed by fake goods. These initiatives foster a more informed and vigilant marketplace.

Empowering a Trustworthy Market

Brand Verification plays a vital role in protecting businesses and consumers alike. By combining regulatory collaboration, legal expertise, and public education, the organization helps build a safer, more transparent market where counterfeit goods are systematically eradicated. Its efforts not only safeguard consumer trust but also uphold the value of legitimate brands.


The mission of Brand Verification is to safeguard the authenticity and integrity of products in compliance with the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, Consumer Act of the Philippines and the FDA Act of 2009, ensuring consumer safety and confidence. By providing innovative verification systems, we help businesses protect their intellectual property rights, prevent counterfeiting, and adhere to health and safety regulations. Our commitment is to empower consumers to make informed purchasing decisions, knowing that the products they buy are genuine, safe, and of the highest quality.


Brand Verification envisions a marketplace where transparency, consumer protection, and compliance with regulatory standards are the norm. We aim to create a trustworthy environment where consumers confidently purchase products, knowing they meet the highest standards of authenticity, safety, and quality. By empowering brands with robust verification systems and aligning with the provisions of the existing laws, we ensure that businesses not only protect their intellectual property rights but also uphold public health and safety. Through these efforts, we seek to foster long-term trust between brands and consumers, building a global reputation for integrity, authenticity, and compliance with essential legal frameworks.

  1. Counterfeit Prevention: Brand verification codes help in preventing counterfeiting of products. By allowing customers to verify the authenticity of a product using a unique code, brands can safeguard their reputation and protect consumers from purchasing fake or inferior goods.

  2. Consumer Trust: Verification codes enhance consumer trust in the brand. When customers can easily confirm the legitimacy of a product through a verification process, they are more likely to trust the brand and make repeat purchases.

  3. Track and Trace: Brand verification codes enable brands to track and trace their products throughout the supply chain. This helps in monitoring distribution channels, identifying potential issues such as diversion or tampering, and improving overall supply chain visibility.

  4. Data Collection and Analytics: By implementing verification codes, brands can collect valuable data on product distribution, consumer preferences, and usage patterns. This data can be used to gain insights into customer behavior, improve marketing strategies, and enhance product development.

  5. Enhanced Customer Engagement: Verification codes provide a means for brands to engage with customers directly. By encouraging customers to verify their purchases, brands can offer promotions, gather feedback, and build stronger relationships with their consumer base.


Overall, brand verification codes play a critical role in protecting brands, ensuring product authenticity, and fostering trust and loyalty among consumers.

Brand verification is important for various reasons:

  1. Brand Protection: Brand verification helps in safeguarding the reputation and integrity of a brand by preventing counterfeit products from entering the market. It ensures that customers receive genuine products, thus maintaining trust and loyalty towards the brand.
  2. Consumer Trust: When customers can easily verify the authenticity of a product using a brand verification system, their trust in the brand increases. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. Combat Counterfeiting: Brand verification codes help in fighting against counterfeit products in the market. By implementing verification measures, brands can track and trace unauthorized products, reducing the impact of counterfeiting on their business.

  4. Product Quality Assurance: Brand verification not only ensures authenticity but also serves as a quality assurance tool. By monitoring the supply chain and distribution channels, brands can maintain quality standards and prevent the circulation of substandard or fake products.

  5. Legal Protection: Brand verification can provide legal protection to brands by creating a record of the authenticity of their products. In case of intellectual property disputes or legal issues related to counterfeiting, verification data can serve as evidence.


In summary, brand verification is essential for brand protection, consumer trust, combating counterfeiting, ensuring product quality, and providing legal protection to brands.