Steps to Take If the Product You Purchased is Fake


Contact the Seller

Reach out to the seller or retailer where you purchased the product and inform them about the issue. Provide details about why you believe the product is counterfeit and ask for a refund or a genuine replacement.


Contact the Brand

Get in touch with the brand directly to report the counterfeit product. Brands often have systems in place to handle such situations and may provide guidance on next steps.


Report to us Authorities

If you suspect that you have purchased a counterfeit product, you can report it directly to us so that we can investigate it thoroughly…


Document Evidence

Keep all relevant evidence, such as receipts, packaging, and any communication with the seller or brand. This documentation may be useful if you need to take further action to resolve the issue.


Protect Others

Warn others about the counterfeit product by sharing your experience on review sites, social media platforms, or consumer forums. This can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.


Educate Yourself

Learn more about how to identify counterfeit products to avoid similar issues in the future. Familiarize yourself with brand authentication methods and purchase from authorized retailers whenever possible.